
Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Report on the Snowshoe in the Aiken Wilderness on 3/22

Snowshoe at Aiken Wilderness with Dave Ratti, Jayne Della Ratta, Bob Whitney, and Ken from Hoosick Falls, NY.  We met at 9 a.m.  and put on our snowshoes at the entrance to Woodford State Park.  We headed south along the west side of Adams Reservoir before heading east cross country.  We investigated beaver flows.  Tracks of animals were visible - coyotes, mice, squirrels and moose.  We then headed south and west as a blizzard began making visibility poor.  Lunch was in a protected area of fir trees with sandwiches provided by Dave and Jayne.  Our compass direction was then north on the east side of the reservoir returning to our start point.  Distance covered about three and a miles in 3 and 1/2 hours.      
           -Bob Whitney

New Executive Director for GMC


WATERBURY CENTER, Vt., March 26 –– The Green Mountain Club’s Board of Directors announced today the appointment of Michael DeBonis as the organization’s next Executive Director. Mike is currently the Executive Director of the Forest Guild, a national non-profit forestry organization.  “It is an honor to have the opportunity to join the dedicated team of staff and volunteers at the Green Mountain Club. I very much look forward to getting back out on the trail in Vermont,” said DeBonis.

Mike is a native Vermonter and longtime member of the Green Mountain Club. He and his wife Jennifer will be relocating from Santa Fe, New Mexico where the Forest Guild is headquartered. Mike grew up hiking, camping, and backpacking in the Green Mountains and has hiked both the Long Trail and Appalachian Trail. A Peace Corps volunteer in Jamaica, he also served as a park manager for Lake Carmi State Park in Vermont. Mike has a bachelor’s degree in Natural Resource Management from Johnson State College and a master's degree in Forestry from Yale University.

“We have been impressed by Mike’s intellect and his quick understanding of the issues,” said Jean Haigh, President of the Green Mountain Club. “Mike’s strengths and experiences lie in the areas of organizational, financial, and personnel management – skills that he has used to successfully manage organizational change within the Forest Guild, and which are very important to the Green Mountain Club.  And he already has a number of positive and collegial relationships in Vermont. Mike is very much a fit for the club!”

The Green Mountain Club looks forward to officially welcoming Mike as its new Executive Director in mid-May.

The Green Mountain Club is recognized by the state of Vermont as  "the founder, sponsor, defender, and protector" of the Long Trail System.  With its 273-mile footpath, 175 miles of side trails, and nearly 70 primitive shelters, the Long Trail is the oldest long distance trail in the United States. In addition to the 450-mile Long Trail System, the club also maintains Vermont’s Appalachian National Scenic Trail and many hiking trails in the Northeast Kingdom in collaboration with partners including the U.S. Forest Service, Vermont Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation, and the Appalachian Trail Conservancy.

Contacts:             Maisie Howard, Interim Executive Director - (802) 241-8322

Monday, March 17, 2014

Trail Work Trip

Saturday March 8 Bob Whitney and Marge Fish went into Bromley Shelter, which the Manchester section of GMC maintains, and sandpapered off the graffiti that some rude people had put into the shelter. Then Bob carried out on a pack frame the old catcher from the composting privy. This had been weathering for 6 years, ever since it had been replaced by a beyond the bin catcher. Thank you Bob!

Wheeler Pond Trip

Five hardy souls from the Manchester section of GMC spent two nights and three days up in the Northeast Kingdom, We stayed at the rustic Wheeler pond camps (go tot he site and look for Wheeler Pond Camps on the tabs on the left hand side to get information on the amps and rentals).
We braved below zero nights, though we were toasty inside with the wood stove, and had beautiful, blue bird skies and sunshine for our hikes. We hiked trails that were packed out so only had to use traction devices. On thursday we were joined by three members of the NEK section including club president Jean Haigh for a lovely hiked in the Nulhegan Basin.

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