
Thursday, June 26, 2014

Hike in the Aiken Wilderness

Three people participated in the campout at Woodford State Park and then the hike and exporation of part of the Aiken Wilderness ( a trailless area). By all reports they had a great time.

Invasive Species workshop

We had 8 people who participated in this.
 We did some work removing some invasive species, learned a lot, had great company, and have received some excellent resources for further work on our own with this. Thank you to Colleen Balch of VT FP&R

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Invasive Species Management Workshop

Join us for an Invasive Species and Habitat Restoration workshop on Friday June 20 at Woodford State Park, taught by biologists from VT Forest. Parks and Recreation.
PLEASE RSVP TO MARGE FISH AT or 802-384-3654 or 802-824-3662 BY JUNE 17
 Schedule for the program:

3:30 – 4pm Arrive @ Woodford State Park/Forest, gather at meeting spot4:00 pm Orientation - Who, What, Where, When, How
 Welcome & Introduction
 Site & Facilities where we’re working
 Overview of Evening & Schedule
 Our job & goals
 Prescription process, tool use, plant ID
4:30 Start project
6:30pm Dinner and Invasives 101 – the big picture
 Problem and Threat of Invasives
 Dealing with Invasives
 Restoration and Regeneration
7:00pm Resume project
9pm Break down, tool care, packaging material
9:20pm Summary of work, thank you, gift certificates, conclusion and charge!
9:30 pm Program’s end

Green Mountain Club Annual Meeting

The annual meeting for the Green Mountain Club is this Saturday June 14 at Mountain Meadows Lodge in Killington with activities and hikes starting with a 6:30 am bird walk and running through the evening. The general membership meeting is from 9 -11:30 am and there are multiple afternoon hikes to choose from. A great evening program with Christopher Wren will wrap up the evening. To sign up go to the main club website

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Little Rock Pond Hike

With a group of 10, terrific weather, minimal bugs while hiking, the hike to Little Rock Pond and back was a great success.

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