
Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Bromley Tower Update

 Thanks to the many donors who have contributed to this fundraising effort, we (Green Mountain Club Manchester Section) have reached our goal of $262,000. Next steps are to meet with Vt FP&R, ATC, GMC, and Bromley Ski area and get the stakes in the ground for the exact footprint of the new tower, then with the engineers to finalize design, and finally to submit our Act 250 permit papers. We are hoping for a fall 202 build, but it could be sometime in 2021.
As we know more, we will update you.

Monday, April 1, 2019

Current Manchester Section Officers

At our March 24th Pot Luck and Annual Meeting we elected our section officers for the next year.
Our Officers for April 2019 through March 2020 are as follows:
President - Marge Fish - for any questions
Vice President - Katie Brooks
Secretary - Dale Malekoff
Treasurer - Alyson Gryzb
Trails and Shelter Chair - Dave Ratti - for any questions about joining us for trail works and trail projects
Board Representative - Bob Fish
Membership Chair - Ruthann Barrick

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